Intelligence Sharing System

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Intelligence Sharing System (I.S.S.) is a network that spreads "images" of an SP creatures conscious from the creature to multiple I.S.S. receivers. It is used to create pseudo intelligence to communicate with other non-SP creatures, usually through electronic means.

Overview and Terminology

I.S.S. requires a one way communication between a source to multiple receivers. The source server is in Hex Tower, and has multiple receivers usually in electronic format. The source itself is a machine that requires a creature to come forth and willingly allow a transfer of an "image" of their conscious to the machine. An image in the context of I.S.S. is a large compilation of information that captures details such as knowledge along with personality and behavior. After the image is uploaded to the machine, it sends the images to a list of receivers using S.P.S.P. (SP Signal Protocol), which uses intangible SP signals and sends them throughout the world. Since S.P.S.P. can travel through any universe, dimension, and structure, it can be easily received by I.S.S. receivers.

I.S.S. receivers, unlike the source, are not located in SP. Rather they are built by M.O.G. to receive information, and then relay their images throughout the desired medium. The receivers are much harder to make, because they require a certain infrastructure to translate the available images into materialistic outputs. For example, in electronic applications used on Earth, if the I.S.S. receiver is inside the application, a coding structure that would extract specific information from the images would need to be used to support function in that application. The receivers cannot send information back to the source as the outputs of the images are no longer SP entities.

There are two kinds of I.S.S. receivers. Finite and continuous. A finite receiver, once finished in structure, will not receive new images from the source unless reactivated or updated to receive again. Continuous receivers on the other hand, will constantly obtain new images to use for output. Both a finite receiver can be made continuous, and a continuous one finite.

The primary us of I.S.S. is to communicate information about SP to the outside world. This way more creatures can gain awareness of SP, and potentially even help find an entrance to SP from their lands. I.S.S. is mostly targeted at Earth, as M.O.G. is desperate to potentially find a physical entrance into SP from there. Additionally, the only reason for this system opposed to just creating representations of SP creatures and entities is to have some kind of seal of approval and a safety net to have only approved receivers represent the creatures. However, any receiver can be blocked or invalidated by any SP creature at any point of time.

Use Cases

I.S.S. is currently in use by a few applications, including some MGFlow58 games. Here are a few examples:

Guppy's Quest

A finite I.S.S. receiver is secretly stored inside Hex Tower in the Hex City level, and allows the SP creature images to communicate with the player. This becomes especially useful during the Gavnell arch of the game where the creatures seemingly communicate to the user the threat of Gavnell and how to abolish it. The coding structure of the game depends on the I.S.S. to extract personality based dialogue to communicate with the player. The receiver is also finite to make the story finalized and non-renewable, as it is meant to accurately represent the time period of Kronotvar and not anything that happened after that.


A semi-finite I.S.S. receiver is stored in the Sys directory with the path "E/MEOS/Sys/". This receiver is mostly responsible for the "artificial intelligence" in the game, such Blabber (Listi), who communicates to the player about things such as information on SP, facts about Earth, or the game itself. The coding structure is mostly finite, set on images that it has received once, but can be set to update at any time for newer information.

"Tower" Resort

A continuous I.S.S. receiver is stored in a remote location inside a game called "Tower Unite", which is used to relay images of characters for the purpose of outputting dialogue. This is not an MGFlow58 game, therefore code structure is unavailable for access. A machine was built from parts in the game that was made to be a receiver that relays information to NPC's, but they have to be updated manually every time for new information.

Design and Modelling of Receivers

An I.S.S. receiver is custom made for every use and occasion. There are currently no receivers outside of electronic applications.

The electronic receivers are first classified by M.O.G. as something that can receive S.P.S.P. signals. The receiver doesn't have to have any specific structure, it just has to be an object that is represented as something physical within the application, whether it be an object, a file, and so on. Then, he shapes different entities in the application to represent the images in their current state. If an application has a finite receiver, the entities represent the images received at that time, after M.O.G. has finished constructing them. Continuous receivers however are constantly maintained by M.O.G. to stay up to date with the current representations of the creatures.


  • "SP Information Transfer" and "SP Information Sharing System" were considered names for this system, but were scrapped due to foul sounding abbreviations