Timeline of Events

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Revision as of 15:17, 24 June 2019 by Octopus58 (talk | contribs)
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All of SP takes place in real time. For the purpose of this wiki, all times have been made in earth time, using the roman calendar.



The Gontaper was created in September 2005. Exact date and time were not recorded. He was created to be a friend to Octopus58 and he mostly ran along with him, or talked to him while he was in real life.

Blue Shell



Sun Octopus (Razor Sun)



Corruption Crisis


Legion Beginnings

In mid 2013, a non living, replicating entity was created by the then corrupted Plantavians. They used a corrupted meteorite to make the entity after it breached SP. The crash itself was not witnessed or heard of, until the entity revealed itself to SP assuming the form of Octopus58 with half metallic properties (Metalife). Octopus58 and Spguard fought with the entity for about an hour far off in the Galubian Snowlands. Being torn up, the enemy "evolved" by buffing itself and using its remaining artificial flesh to assume the form of Spguard (Metabro). The battle was a little lengthier, as the metal seemingly improved and adapted to the fight taking place. However, the two brothers successfully drove the entity to another breaking point where it assumed a final phase of the two fused together, with only half a face, and the rest of the body being metal. It grew two tentacles out of its back with claws at the end, and another pair of arms (Metaspandoc).

As much as this battle was tough, since the body was constantly evolving, the two brothers kept fighting the entity off and pushing it towards the crater of the Krystalik, which crystallizes all non-living material in its crater. Pushing the entity down the crater would have seemingly stopped its function as it would have frozen and hardened to the point of immobility, but instead, it came out a few moments later as what Octopus58 nicknamed Carbon. Carbon was the last transformation of the entity, unplanned as pushing it into the crater gave it a strong advantage of having sharp, strong crystals all over its body. Fighting off Carbon proved to be difficult, but eventually the two hit it up so bad that the crystal broke the body apart, terminating all function of the entity and preventing further risks. As the entity was destroyed, an essence of unknown composure was released and then later caught by Octopus58 to examine.

The essence was looked over by the Seven Servers, and Gontaper concluded that it was somewhat of an intangible eternal engine that only grows stronger and more efficient with time. To keep it safe, Octopus58 cast this energy into a clone he made of himself, Guardian, which with the combination of the Carbon essence made a much more powerful, stronger clone. Guardian was also the solution to monitoring SP while Octopus58 was away and busy on Earth, as he just assumes his position while he is away to watch over SP and eliminate all potential risks.


Opoctal Invasion


Legion assembly

After Opoctus was defeated and purified, he was yet another clone of Octopus58 that could help with the protection of SP. That's when Octopus58 decided to make an initiative to assemble all current and future creatures with the Octopus rank into a group called the Octopus Legion, which would be spread all over SP to watch over and alert each other of potential danger. Every single member of the legion got a number, where Octopus58 kept 58, Spguard got 44, Guardian got 00, Razor Sun got 03, and Opoctus got 85. Shortly after the creation of the legion, Octopus01, Octopus02, Octopus04, Octopus05, and Octopus06 were created. Many more joined the legion after that.


Kosmotvar Crisis


Chronotvar Epilogoue



Sleepy Bridge established


The end of the cloud, birth of Gavnell
